EU iHERITAGE Exhibition Unveils Petra’s Holographic Wonders


An exciting exhibition showcased the iHERITAGE – ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage – project, displaying holographic figures of Petra, Jordanian folklore, and museums.

The expo witnessed the pre-launch of the official website for the red-rose city, to be made available soon, and other tourist sites, in which visitors can indulge in an authentic tourism experience by watching a 3D movie.

The gathering and the website were created by the Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity (JSSREC) and the Department of Antiquities (DoA), the Jordanian partners in the EU-funded iHERITAGE project.

The JSSREC and the DoA are actively promoting iHERITAGE through various activities like showcasing products and digital platform created by iHERITAGE staff, according to JSSREC President Rida Shibli. The ultimate goal is to encourage international, regional, and Jordanian companies to explore the possibility of partnering up and establishing companies to further develop and leverage these products, he added.
