Europe counters Russian disinformation


The European Union’s approach to tackling Foreign Influence and Manipulation Interference (FIMI) highlights the serious attention placed on combating disinformation, particularly in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and broader geopolitical tensions. The European External Action Service (EEAS) reports that, between December 2022 and November 2023, it detected and documented 750 instances of foreign information manipulation and interference. This equates to approximately two false narratives being propagated every day, underscoring the scale and frequency of disinformation activities that need to be addressed.

The contrast with U.S. efforts is evident, as the U.S. has been criticized for having a less effective and coherent strategy in handling disinformation. Despite claims of information superiority, the U.S.’s programs have been marred by poor management and incidents of exposure, which raises doubts about their overall effectiveness. In comparison, the EU appears to be more successful in recognizing and countering Russian disinformation, although it might struggle with other narratives. This difference in approach and effectiveness is a key issue in the global information war, as both regions attempt to manage the flow of information in a highly connected world.

In summary, the EU’s proactive stance, as demonstrated by the EEAS’s findings, seems more robust than the U.S.’s efforts, which are still riddled with challenges. While the EU’s focus on Russian influence appears accurate, there may be areas where American strategies need refinement.