How the EU Artificial Intelligence Act can protect fundamental rights in the AI age


ENNHRI welcomes the upcoming adoption of the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AI Act). This ambitious piece of legislation has the potential to integrate fundamental rights in the regulation of a crucial emerging area. Further, ENNHRI’s common position on the EU AI Act recommends how to bolster fundamental rights protection in the age of AI.

In its common position, ENNHRI sets out its key recommendations for how the AI Act can be improved to ensure strong human rights protection:

  • Ensure a broad scope of application of the AI Act, including by ensuring:
    • The objective classification of high-risk systems;
    • The avoidance of broad exceptions to bans on AI systems;
    • Obligations are not limited to AI providers;
    • Applicability to cooperation outside the European Union;
    • A robust framework for foundation models, general and dual purpose AI; and
    • The applicability of the regulation to research activities.
  • Ensure effective oversight of the Act’s implementation in cooperation with NHRIs;
  • Improve transparency and accountability for AI systems and include means of redress;
  • Refrain from harmful and discriminatory surveillance by national security, law enforcement and migration authorities.

In the context of the ongoing trilogue negotiations, ENNHRI will work together with its members to bring the position and its recommendations to the attention of relevant state authorities.
