Mayor Sutcliffe denounces “1-Million-March-4-Children” protest in Ottawa


As protests and counter-protests for and against the country’s 2SLGBTQIA+ community are being held across Canada today, Mark Sutcliffe has issued a statement condemning “any form of discrimination or hatred.”

Ottawa’s mayor said, “I respect the right to protest, however the specific targeting of 2SLGBTQIA+ children for being who they are, has no place in our city. The protests taking place today will only cause harm to youth who are looking for our support and acceptance.”

Members of the group “1-Million-March-4-Children” are marching from Parliament Hill to the Supreme Court of Canada, and say rally participants are –quote– “standing together against gender ideology in schools.”

However, Sarah Worthman, a 2SLGBTQIA+ advocate who is co-organizing at least 63 counter-protests across the country, says Canadians need to stand up for the community outside of Pride events.

British Columbia’s human rights commissioner, Kasari Govender, called the marches “hate-fuelled,” saying while peaceful demonstration protects democracy and generates debate, the human rights of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community are “not up for debate.”

counter protest is being held in front of the Supreme Court of Canada from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., organized by ‘Community Solidarity Ottawa.’

“At the same time as they are gathering on Parliament Hill, we are going to be gathering in front of the Supreme Court of Canada to show our support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and our opposition to the so-called “parents rights” agenda that is nothing more than thinly veiled homophobia and transphobia.”
